Access Land Registry
Documents Online

Official Documents

Email Delivery

Quick & Easy

Our online services provide the general public and property professionals with access to copies of Land Registry documents.

You can search for any property deeds - you do not need to own the property.

Title Register

The Title Register document details the full ownership information for a property or piece of land.

The title register document may detail:

  • Title number
  • Owner
  • Tenure (freehold or leasehold)
  • Purchase price/value
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Title Plan

The Title Plan document is another document proving the extent of the property and is used by professionals and non-professionals alike.

The title plan document may detail:

  • Extent of property owned
  • General boundaries
  • Title number
  • Orientation & scale
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Map Search

For land and property without an address - quickly obtain a Title Register or Title Plan for any land or property without an address, such as fields, tracks, barns, roads and parcels of land.

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Deed Search

Our Deed search will provide you with a copy of individual Deeds ranging from Conveyance, Lease, Transfer, Charge and many more.

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Property Ownership

These two documents are the documents proving ownership (or non-ownership) of a property. They are packed with information relating to ownership, tenure, purchase price, mortgages, date of purchase, easements and covenants. Read together, they contain all the information needed to prove ownership.

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HM Land Registry’s Property Alert

Property Alert is a monitoring service by HM Land Registry, aimed at anyone who feels a registered property could be at risk from fraud or if you would just like to be alerted when activity occurs.

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Need help?

If you need support or are struggling to find the right documents, our dedicated team are here to help you with any queries you may have.

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Access Documents

Our online services provide the general public and property professionals with access to copies of Land Registry documents.

Land Registry documents are the main source of property and land information and reveal ownership data (including the name and address of the registered owners), mortgages, charges, boundaries, covenants, easements, maintenance liabilities, house prices and much more.

By using our online service, you will be able to quickly obtain copies of documents online and in 3 simple steps.

Simply complete our online booking form and we will take care of the rest. It's a simple process which will only take you a few minutes to complete. Once you have completed your application, your details will be processed immediately, and the relevant service selected will be completed.


Select your service

Choose from the services we currently offer.


Complete the form

Complete the correct form and make your payment.


Submit & Wait

We will process and complete your relevant selected service within the timeframe specified. You will receive your documents via email.