Land Registry Map Search

{{ document_count }} documents

{{ totalWithoutVat | currency }}+vat

Step {{step}} of {{steps}}

Getting Started

Simply complete our online form below and we will take care of the rest. Once you have completed your application, your details will be processed immediately.

  • Complete the form
  • Make your payment
  • Receive your documents

How many properties would you like to search?

{{ errors.first('no_of_properties') }}

Property {{ propertyIndex+1 }}

Required Documents
View Sample Title Plan | View Sample Title Register
View Sample Flood Risk
Documents are subject to availability.
{{ errors.first('country_'+propertyIndex) }}
{{ errors.first('tenure_'+propertyIndex) }}

Drag the marker over the approximate location and then zoom in. Carefully position the marker over the subject property or land. The latitude and longitude coordinates will automatically populate the relevant fields below - the coordinates will enable us to accurately identify the property or land. When you are happy with the marker position, complete the remaining fields and click on the Next button at the bottom of the form. Please note that you can change the view from Map to Satellite at any point during your search.

You can search for any property - you do not need to own the property.

Drag the marker (Red pin) and place it over the property or land after making an initial search. You can use the Yellow Man symbol to view the area in street view.

{{ errors.first('latitude_'+propertyIndex) }}
{{ errors.first('longitude_'+propertyIndex) }}
{{ errors.first('location_description_'+propertyIndex) }}

Please provide as much information as possible to ensure our experienced Processing Officers are able to locate the land/property in question.

Personal Details

{{ errors.first('title') }}
{{ errors.first('first_name') }}
{{ errors.first('surname') }}
{{ errors.first('email') }}
{{ errors.first('email_confirmation') }}
Please ensure your email address is accurate as we can not progress your application without it.
{{ errors.first('phone') }}
{{ errors.first('reason_for_search') }}
{{ errors.first('reason_for_search_other') }}

Finalise Your Order

{{ timescales.fast_track }}

{{ fast_track | currency }}+vat

{{ timescales.standard }}


{{ errors.first('application_type') }}

{{ printed_copy | currency }}+vat


{{ errors.first('printed_copy') }}

By selecting this option we will send you SMS updates at each stage of the application process. We will also contact you via SMS if we require any further information to process your application.

{{ sms_updates | currency }}+vat


{{ errors.first('sms_updates') }}

Your Postal Address

We could not find your address, please enter it manually.
{{ errors.first('postal_address[line_1]') }}
{{ errors.first('postal_address[line_2]') }}
{{ errors.first('postal_address[city]') }}
{{ errors.first('postal_address[county]') }}
{{ errors.first('postal_address[postcode]') }}
{{ errors.first('payment_method') }}

Review your application

Title {{ data.step_1.title }}
First name {{ data.step_1.first_name }}
Middle name {{ data.step_1.middle_name }}
Surname {{ data.step_1.surname }}
Email {{ }}
Phone {{ }}

Price Breakdown

Document Fee {{ document_fee | currency }}
Including VAT
Search & Processing Fee {{ (total - document_fee) | currency }}
Including VAT
Total Fee {{ total | currency }}
Including VAT

View our terms & conditions

You must accept our terms and conditions to continue.

Total amount to pay

{{total | currency}}

Edit Your Order

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